Self-Care with Essential Oils in the time of COVID-19 Pandemic

essential oils

2021 has continued to be, without a ray of doubt, a very challenging and stressful time globally. As countries are facing the second and third wave of coronavirus spread, people are looking for healthy, sustainable ways to adjust to the new normal.

The way to a healthy life in this day and age is by taking care of yourself at home. A global health threat like COVID-19 and limited medications are reminders of taking your health in your hands. A major clinical therapy that fortunately can be easily carried out by yourself is aromatherapy. This makes the role of essential oils all the more significant during the pandemic.

How Can Essential Oils Help During this Serious Health Crisis?

From pharmaceutical preparations to cosmeceuticals, essential oils have made their mark in all industries, its organic constituents are widely trusted and used globally. The fragrant odours are not the only property that makes them popular among households. They offer many health benefits like psychophysiological effects, regulated heart rate or blood pressure, positive change in brainwaves activity, improvement in eye movement, etc.

Essential oils have long been known to have immunomodulatory, antiviral, bronchodilatory, and anti-inflammatory properties which have now been considered to help protect you against the SARC-CoV-2 virus. According to medical research, essential oils contain multiple active phytochemicals that may act synergistically on multiple stages of viral replication and also induce positive effects on the host respiratory system including bronchodilation and mucus lysis.

Therapeutic Properties of Essential Oils

essential oil

Doctors and Medical professional from day zero have stressed and emphasised building your immunity in these tough times. The immune system maintains a healthy functioning body and protects your body from harmful pathogens. The antimicrobial and antiviral activities of Essential oils, in this case, may help support your body’s immune system and  can offer wholesome health protection.

Therapeutic properties work and function in a wide range of ways. There are some with slow cumulative action while others produce a fast response. Although it also depends on the dosage and application method; either way, it gives splendid results.

Best Essential Oils for Self-Care During COVID-19 Pandemic:

1. Bergamot

Self-care begins with a clean and clear ambient air. Variants of the novel coronavirus mutant tend to transmit through air. This means you might start by spraying bergamot essential oil in your home. You could also put a few drops of it in your aroma diffuser. Few drops of this anti-infectious and antiviral essential oil in water can be spritzed in all the rooms to maintain good air quality. It also helps in stimulating the immune system. Another great immunostimulant and antimicrobial blend which may help prevent infections is Eucalyptus essential oil.

2. Thyme

A great way to safeguard your health during this time is by doing steam inhalation to clear your respiratory tract. In this case, thyme essential oil helps in clearing nasal passages and enables steady breathing. Known for its cleansing and purifying effect, it could also be applied topically on the skin using a carrier oil.

3. Tea tree

It has been proven through numerous researches that Tea tree essential oil can inhibit the growth of bad bacteria. Due to its Mucolytic properties, it protects the body from respiratory issues, colds, chronic coughs, mucus formation, and sinus infections etc.

4. Lavender

essential oil

In these tough times, a person is bound to get anxious and with lockdowns being imposed, working from home does get stressful. Lavender essential oil helps in relieving fatigue, headaches, stress, and depression. It also helps in curing insomnia. A calming sleep cycle is essential for a positive mindset.

5. Therapeutic Blends

What’s better than essential oil? Multiple essential oils blended into one efficacious elixir have several benefits to offer. Blended oils come packed with the properties of two or more oils based on your requirements. For instance, the InTune® Roll is a rich blend of Frankincense, Lime, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Amyris, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, and Roman Chamomile that helps promote clarity, calmness, and concentration— a huge requirement to successfully adapt to the new normal.

Essential Oils and aromatherapy are great ways to enhance your health during the pandemic era. Amidst these challenging times, essential oils strike a balance by promoting health, a calm state of mind, and a clean home environment. Stay safe!